Monday, December 08, 2008
Nothing says "Peace On Earth"... a fiber-optic baby Jesus. I believe Grandma Jan gave this to me a couple years ago. It sits underneath our Christmas Tree. I just love how bright neon colors shoot out from his face, don't you? And the angels seem extra "angelic" when their wings are flashing like a drive thru liquor store sign. Happy Birthday Jesus. Peace on Earth, and good will towards men.
Monday, November 24, 2008
.It's not enough.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
New Camera
Do I purchase her D70 (which she has offered to me for the bargain basement price of $450), or do I just buy myself a new point and shoot (more than likely canon) for a couple hundred.
I am torn, and apparently unable to make a decision of this magnitude. What's a camera-less girl to do?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Breakfast menu
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Breakfast of champions
Thursday, October 09, 2008
I think I just died inside...
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Could Friday get any sweeter?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Today is the day ...
May the tidalwave of fresh ideas begin!
Today, my dilema is:
what to do with my afternoon.
take a bike ride or walk
scrub floors
clean my closet
waste time on the internets
I am opting for cleaning my closet, as it needs to be done very BADLY. Although, it is going to be quite an undertaking, as it is 3:15 already, and I am meeting a friend for sushi at 5. Maybe I will perform this task in phases, today's phase: denim.
I decided yesterday that Mondays would be "baking days". (I baked cupcakes yesterday). In order to keep myself occupied, I have decided that each day should have a preordained task. I am tired of spending too much time on the web, and need a schedule to keep me on task. I am open to ideas as to what my other "days" should be. Suggestions?
Oh, and sushi today is at the new "Baby" Blue. I have not been there yet, you can expect a report to follow.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
In a food coma...
Thanks cuz, everything was magically delicious!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hunka Hunka Burnin Love!
That's right ladies and gentlemen. Danelle and I were guest judges this weekend at Horseshoe Casino's Elvisfest 2008. We judged the 12th Annual Images of the King contest and it was AWESOME! Danelle took the videos and pics, as I was apparently way too lazy to get my camera out.
The performers were actually VERY talented. We were surprised to be honest, I mean, c'mon folks, this is Council Bluffs we are talking about. I sometimes feel like I lose an I.Q. point or two every time I step over the river.
There was quite an assortment of Elvi (I'm using this as a term for multiple Elvis'). Young Elvis, 1970's Elvis, Hula Elvis, Black Elvis and Asian Elvis. They were some swell dudes, and I might just head back to Elvisfest next year.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
K-Mart sucks Ray.
And I want to f*ing kill myself. Usually, shows of this nature make me feel really good about myself and my life situation. You know, the way you feel after watching COPS and finishing an entire bag of puffy cheetos. But lately, this is sadly not the case. Because of my horrendous schedule, I don't get to watch GOOD programming, I get stuck watching ghetto trash fight in a courtroom over $243 dollars because Tonya didn't pay Jim for that secondhand washing machine. It makes me want to cut myself.
I have plenty of friends to hang out with, but unfortunately, most of them are what I like to call REAL adults, and actually are at work during NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS. Here's how the conversation usually goes:
Me: "Wanna go to the pool? Oh, I see, you're working."
"Let's go see a movie! Oh, you're in what? A meeting? Ok then."
"Do I want to go to Jazz on the Green tonight instead? HECK YES I DO! Oh wait, I have to work tomorrow morning at 4:30 am, so Jazz on the Green would keep me out WAY past my bedtime. Somebody shoot me now. Before I become like Rainman and every activity revolves around "Wapner at 4". You'll know I am about to cross the line when I start buying my underwear at K-Mart.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Trashy, just like hot garbage juice.
A fun time was had by all at the Carsey trailer court this past weekend. There was plenty of Schlitz, twinkies, cheese balls, a spiked watermelon and spam on the grill. Josh and Joel made a rope swing for the tree, and there was plenty of hick music and ac/dc. Things got kinda crazy, and I spent the next morning picking beer cans out of our fence, emptying the pools, and getting the lawn chair out of my tree.
Thanks Joel, you truly were the life of the party. Except next time, you are not allowed to throw things...such as:
Chairs into the trees, SPAM onto my roof, watermelon rinds onto my roof, watermelon at Kayla's face, or beer bottles in general.
I think if your wife is in attendance next time, she will keep your ass in line. However, I loved every second of your crazy antics. Especially when you and Kyle danced like Party Boy. You know that's my favorite.Sunday, July 06, 2008
Shakespeare on the Green
On Thursday night, Kathy and I went to see King Lear at Omaha's Shakespeare on the Green Festival. The weather was gorgeous. 75 degrees, slight breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. We arrived at about 6:30 pm, found a spot for our blanket and chairs, and cracked open our bottle of wine. The show didn't start till 8, but we were hungry and thirsty. By the time the show started at 8, our wine was almost gone, and we were done eating. With our bellies full of cheese, crackers and black bean salsa, we began to watch. We read the synopsis...neither of us had seen this particular play before. Approximately 5 minutes before intermission, Kathy leans over to me and asks, "are you following any of this?" I couldn't lie, I had been too busy people watching, and had not, in fact, been following along.
We left at half-time...errr...i mean, intermission. So much for Shakespeare. Ooops. Guess I'm not as much of a Shakespeare fan as I thought I was (and I didn't consider myself much of a fan to begin with). A good time was had though, despite the fact that we left early.
On a side one point in the play, King Lear seemed to be chastising one of his daughters, Goneril. He accused her of being all sorts of things...and went on for what seemed like 10 full minutes. Wouldn't it just be easier, and funnier, if he just looked and her and said, in his mighty royal voice, "Goneril, you's a bitch!" I think so. Of course, in her defense, if my father gave me a name that sounded like an STD, I'd be a bitch too.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Best press release EVER written
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Asians do it better
ABC's Wipeout premiered last Tuesday, and while it WAS somewhat funny...I have to admit that shows of this nature are just WAY better when Asians are involved. They just flat out do it better. First of all, none of the contestants on ABC's version could make it past a single obstacle. And, most of them were way too overweight for the show. Which was funny at first, but then it got old. However, I will more than likely continue to watch, due to the fact that people falling down is almost always funny, and this week they are premiering the "Dreadmill". It looks promising in a pathetic kind of way.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways...
What do you think of hot dogs?
The following is my response:
My thoughts on hot dogs are rather lengthy, and my obsession goes back many years. I love hot dogs more than I can express in a setting such as this. I know that they are usually made out of all the unholy parts of the animal, but so many wrongs seem to make a right in the case of the hot dog. I love them at baseball games, at BBQs, at picnics, at Hockey games, at the movies, from gas stations, from street vendors (esp in NYC or Chicago), from Dairy Queen, from Sonic, and from the cafeteria at UNO. I grew up with them at public school, and knew that on my first day back after summer vacation, the overweight lunch lady would undoubtedly serve me one. And the "first day" hot dog always came accompanied by tater tots, peaches, a brownie and milk. My summer last year with hot dogs was amazing. I had not one, BUT 2 jobs that gave me free frankfurters. I slung weiners all summer long for ClearChannel. Every Wednesday was Weenie Wednesday, and I could eat as many as I wanted. I also got free hotdogs occasionally when I worked at the Omaha Royals games. If I am on the fence about taking a job, one of the deciding factors is whether or not I have access to free weiners. To me, hot dogs are the epitome of summer food, they are not to be eaten until the summer months (or when one is WISHING it was summer). Hot dogs do not taste the same when consumed with 12 inches of snow on the ground and a windchill of 30 below zero. I enjoy watching Nathan's hot dog eating contest every year on the 4th of July on ESPN2, and I am proud to say that my big brown eyes got a little misty when an American stole the title from that sneaky little asain (although you still hold a place in my heart Kobayashi, your trademark "shake" is adorable). So, yes, you could say that my thoughts on hot dogs are favorable...whether they are all beef or pork, in natural casing or in a labratory enhanced shell, footlong or regular boy sized, I love you. Whether you are an ALL BEEF dog from Vienna, a frankfurter from Germany, a wiener adorned "Chicago" style, a Nathan's from NYC, a nice pink one from Fairbury, NE, covered with Kraut and of Polish decent, or circumcised and Kosher from the folks at Hebrew National...whatever your cultural makeup, I love you one and all.
Guess what I am more than likely making for dinner tonight...Matt's gonna be pissed.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My new Honey's
And "NO" I did not authorize their website to use my picture. Jerks.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My Dad
I am usually a day late and a buck short. This is no exception. I meant to post a blog about my father on FATHER'S DAY, and , well, let's face just didn't happen. So here I am, 2 days later; without a blog, and I still haven't sent him his Father's Day card. There it sits, on the table in my TV room, just waiting for a stamp. I did call him on Sunday though, don't worry, I'm not a TOTAL loser. Here ya go Dad, this blogs for you.
I have many stories about my father that I could tell. I will try to keep this short and sweet, and share a few snippets of my life with my father. Snippet #1. Dad teaches me how to drive a stick:
Dad had decided that it was high time his one and only daughter learned how to drive a stick shift. He took me to the Millard North High School parking lot one Sunday afternoon in his black 1996 Chevy S-10. Keep in mind...this was only 1998, so the vehicle was still fairly new. New car scent still lingered, due to the fact that my father keeps his automobiles SPOTLESS. We arrive in the parking lot, and switch, he gets into the passenger seat, and I climb into the driver's seat of HIS baby. I am a bit nervous and have the feeling that this is NOT going to go well. Boy was I ever right. To make a long story short, after about 30 minutes of me continuously killing the engine and coming to a screeching halt, my father promptly told me...through clenched, "GET OUT." I had killed it so many times that the check engine light had come on. It was a blaring yellow light that might as well have said, "Girl, you better get your ass into the passenger's seat, and shut your mouth. You are horrible at this." We drove home in silence, and I never drove that pickup again. That was the end of my father teaching me how to drive a stick. I actually got the hang of it a few years my boyfriend at the time's car. He told me to get in, and just said, "go". He laughed at me all the way from the McDonald's at 132nd and Maple, back to Bennington.....but I made it. And I gained a great sense of accomplishment. I wouldn't have been able to do it without my first "lesson".
Snippet #2, my dad rarely curses.
Very rarely does my dad find the need to use foul language. Growing up, I might have only heard "shit" a handful of times. His favorite phrase was, "God Bless it". No other time was this better illustrated than when the drain in the basement laundry room backed up, spewing black sludge all over the floor. Whenever the toilet in the laundry was flushed, more and more spewage. The drain needed to be plunged, quick, but it wanted no part in this. My father worked tirelessly to unclog that drain. He would plunge, and plunge, and plunge, then flush the toilet to see if was like old faithful, it continued to spew each and every time. He got so angry, but refused to use the "F" bomb. The only phrases to come forth out of his angry mouth were:
"Flood, bitch, flood!" (This was his refrain each time the toilet was flushed...)
Apparently, adding AMERICA onto the end of "God bless" made it more meaningful.
I giggle every time I think of this story. I laugh even harder when my brother Joel tells the story...because this is what woke him up that morning. He must have thought at first that it was Independence Day, from all the blessing of our country that my father was doing.Snippet #3:
Dad has many "isms". My favorite of which was the one he used when we were not doing what we had been told. He always asked. "DO YOU NEED ME TO DRAW YOU A PICTURE?!?!" You knew he meant business if this question was asked, because my dad is no artist. When he said, "DO YOU NEED ME TO DRAW YOU A PICTURE?!?!" What he really meant was, "QUIT ACTING LIKE A TOOL, OR I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS!!!"
Dad, I will stop there, because If you are reading are thinking that I should stop here. Hence, no more snippets. I would like to say...Happy Father's Day, to the best dad a girl could have. I think that due to your efforts, I turned out to be a pretty swell egg. Just don't forget that you promised me that you would find me a Harley sometime in the near future. If I don't have one by August, you better believe that I am going to have to..."DRAW YOU A PICTURE!!"
Friday, June 13, 2008
Can we talk about something for a minute?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Picture of the day...
This is Horseshoe Bend in Page, AZ. Kathy and I hiked up to this lookout point whilst on our desert pilgrimage a few weeks back. She had a dream the night before we went that I fell over the edge and died. Luckily, her dreams do not always prove to be prophetic.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful....beautiful boy!
My brother-in-law, Don, with his brand new addition.
Look at all that hair! He gets that from his mama.
He wasn't breathing for 3 minutes when he came out, but after some quality time in ICU, he turned out just fine!
I know babe, Uncle Matt is kinda funny looking, isn't he.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
I don't think we're in Millard anymore Toto....
The last two are my coworkers doing their job, and doing it well! KETV Newswatch 7 was the only Omaha Station to provide breaking coverage of the storm as it happened. No other Channel in town broke in during their normal overnight broadcasting. I wish I could have watched some of this coverage, but our power was out for most of the night.
You better believe I will be a little more prepared next time the storm clouds roll in!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
My most recent self-inflicted injury.
So, without further ado, the following is the tale of my newest injury. The story that will unfold before you will explain the roughly 3 inch long scabbed scrape on my upper left thigh. It is not a story for the faint of heart and I am not responsible if you are unable to sleep for weeks to come.
It was yesterday, Friday, June 6th. I was in the process of readying myself for work. It was approximately 3:30 in the morning. I had been out of the shower for about 30 minutes, and was in the process of applying my mask of beauty products to my face in order to make it "TV ready". I decided I needed to make use of the toilet. As I sit there, half asleep, staring at the floor, I realize that I am not alone. Out of nowhere, a fierce warrior with approximately 15 pairs of legs charges me at an incredible rate of speed. I am sure that he plans to harm me in some way, and decide to hurriedly get out of his path. I don't know where to go, or how to get there, all I know is that I need to DO IT NOW! I rise from my seated position as quickly as I can and make a mad dash for the door. As I do, I get a sharp stabbing pain on my left side, as my flesh is raked across the corner edge of my bathroom counter covered with 1976-fabulous brown mini-tile. I run out of the room and down the hall to the bedroom and "master" (3/4 closet of a bathroom) bath, where I can use the mirror and assess my injury.
I feel like I have left a piece of myself in the other bathroom. My upper left thigh is throbbing in pain, and is now blessed with a 3-4inch red, swollen, pinpoint bleeding gash. I am breathing heavy and know fully awake.
I don't want to, but I know I must confront my assailant. I am not done applying my make-up, and that is a must before going in to work. I decide to sneak, ninja-like, back into the other bathroom, armed with the first thing that I picked up; Matt's size 10 Kenneth-Cole dress shoe. I creep down the hallway and peek through the door. I see my nemesis resting calmly on the floor after his full frontal assault. He does not appear to be moving, but I know he will once he detects my presence.
I spring into action, blinded by fear and rage. I hit him once over the head and he falters, but begins flailing his appendages in my direction. I swing my weapon again at him and connect with his midsection. He appears to slow and is obviously dazed. I clamp my eyes shut and swing twice more, directing a fatal blow. The fight is over, and I reign supreme. He lays on the floor, broken and defeated. I am too disgusted to pick him up and dispose of his remains, so I throw 2 white sheets over him, and decide that Matt can deal with the carnage when he wakes up.
Who was this many-legged assailant you might ask? The one who caused such a disturbance to my regular morning routine? The one who attacked at first with such speed and cunning that I didn't even see him coming? Well, I did some research and found out that he, and others like him make regular appearances in other households across the nation. No doubt causing just as much trouble as he had in my home. I found a picture of one of his captured buddies...
Sick me out. Its like Indiana Jones' Temple of Doom all over again! I can't even look him in his beady little eyes. I am on my way to get a dehumidifier as we speak, because apparently, they thrive in dark, humid places. Thanks a lot summer, for bringing humidity with you. You undoubtedly are responsible for me almost meeting my demise.
Happy #2 Margie!
So, in conclusion, may the rest of your toddler years be bright and cupcake filled. May you aim to be as carefree as you are now....and don't let anybody tell you that running around your lawn in a lavender skirted swimsuit with a frosting-covered face is unladylike. As sure as the day is long, they will tell you that once you hit the age of 25. I know it has happened to me on more than one occasion.
A promise and a commitment
-Wake up at 2:45am and ready myself for work.
-Arrive to work at 4:30 am, work until 8:30.
-Home by 9 am, prepare something to eat.
-check e-mail/myspace/facebook/blogs i adore.
-NAPTIME (this time varies depending on the day, and the amount of sleep I got the night before. It can be as short as 45 minutes...or as long as 2.5 hours)
-wake up from glorious fulfilling nap, once again check myspace/facebook just to see if I have missed anything.
-waste a few hours...they just disappear.
-go to Happy hour with friends.
That's it. Really. I was sooo looking forward to this while I was still in school. And it has been somewhat fulfilling, but I am getting bored with it already. Maybe its because the pool is not ready yet (or the fact that my body is not ready for the pool). That will occupy more of my time in the weeks to come, and I am wholeheartedly looking forward to it.
So, I am committing myself to blogging, yes, blogging. I have been meaning to do it more over the last few months, and I never got around to it. I have had so much material that I could blog about, and have done nothing with it. and now, I pledge to myself, and my few readers (mainly Danelle and my cousin Heidi), that I will blog on a more regular basis.
May the Blogging begin!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Dear life,
More posts to come once school is out.
14 more days and a wake can't come soon enough,
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Dear drinking-in-the-afternoon self:
Maybe you can talk about getting rid of dizzy-hungover self altogether. That would be great.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
2 weeks . sorry .
New job. Traffic Reporter at KETV. dig.
Finally got my money from the skinny bitch, via the Douglas County Attorney's office. bonus.
Graduation is in 2 months, and I got the itis. bad.
I go to see Mamma Mia tomorrow evening. thanks Bam.
life is good...except the getting up early part. and the school part.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
So Long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night....
Monday, February 04, 2008
Is it sad that...
Allow me to elaborate. I live on a street that has a nice curve to it. It was foggy/drizzle-y last night. Now, you may think that the previous 2 sentences do not belong together. But....drizzle-y weather and temps around the freezing point make for a very slick side street. This situation gets even better when said side street is curvy. I spent about 15 minutes this morning watching boneheads go too fast down my street. I watched as the tires locked up on sedans, coupes and trucks. I watched as car after car slid into the curb, into my neighbors yards, knocked down trash cans, demolished mailboxes and almost hit one another. It was amazing. I laughed until my face hurt, until my stomach ached, and until I ran out of coffee and decided it was time to get ready for school. It was the best morning I've had in awhile.
Its a little foggy and drizzle-y again tonight, and temps are about the same as yesterday. You better believe that when my alarm goes off tomorrow morning my ass will be parked in front of my bay window. I will be in my in hand; hoping and praying to see a similar show.
Hoping my mailbox is lucky enough to be missed again tomorrow,
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Dear left boob,
Get well soon!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Dear Winter:
Please go away and leave me be. I am tired of your grey skies, sub-zero temps and frozen precipitation. The hems of my jeans are constantly cold and/or wet, and I am extrememly tired of bundling up like an eskimo every time a step outside. I hate that you tease me with a 50 degree day thats cloudy, then an 8 degree day with sun. Make up your mind, don't play with my emotions, its not very nice. I am thinking about not inviting you back next year. Summer, I am longing for warmer temps and sunshine, and my flip flops are more than eager to come out of hybernation. Hurry, please!
without hope or agenda,