Sunday, November 09, 2008

New Camera

I need one. My CoolPix circa 2002 is dying a slow and painful death. I get a ton of "lens error" messages, the batteries don't last that long, and really, if you use the flash, it takes 2 seconds to actually take the picture. and 2 seconds in the world of photography is an extremely long time. Of course, Danelle just purchased herself a loverly new Nikon D90 (lucky!). Which leaves me wondering:

Do I purchase her D70 (which she has offered to me for the bargain basement price of $450), or do I just buy myself a new point and shoot (more than likely canon) for a couple hundred.

I am torn, and apparently unable to make a decision of this magnitude. What's a camera-less girl to do?


Unknown said...

get the point and shoot first. You will use it more. While Danelle's camera is sweet and I'm sure she'd like you to pony up the won't want to carry it around with you all the time. My two cents. :)

Danelle The PR Girl... said...

i agree kathy. haha