Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dear drinking-in-the-afternoon self:

You are both a blessing and a curse. Needless to say that it is very fun to start drinking as early as possible, and have all day to do it. There's nothing like meeting friends at a bar before 4:00, and not stopping till 12:30 the next morning. You need to do this more often throughout the year. I have already decided this for you. However, responsible-you-work-the-next-day self thinks you are an idiot. I wish the two of you could reconcile and get along better. You share the same body for crying out loud! Learn to co-exist! Isn't there a happy medium that the two of you could agree on? I would really appreciate it if the both of you could just chat and hug it out. I've arranged a time for you to sit and discuss it over drinks. Say, 4:00 pm. today. at the bar.

Maybe you can talk about getting rid of dizzy-hungover self altogether. That would be great.



Monday, March 10, 2008

Dear Bud TV,

Please let me work for you someday.

Loves it.

Monday, March 03, 2008

2 weeks . sorry .

I have been a busy girl. I'm too tired to be funny. So, I'll make this quick and be back soon with the funny. Right now I am so tired all i want is a date with my pillow. Getting up at 3:30 for the basically the last 8 days is starting to wear on me. So, updates!

New job. Traffic Reporter at KETV. dig.

Finally got my money from the skinny bitch, via the Douglas County Attorney's office. bonus.

Graduation is in 2 months, and I got the itis. bad.

I go to see Mamma Mia tomorrow evening. thanks Bam.

life is good...except the getting up early part. and the school part.
