Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy #2 Margie!

To begin, I would like to start by saying, "Happy Birthday" to my little cousin Margie. You are now 2 years old, and your cupcake diva party was a blast. Matt was very happy with it, in fact. Miller Lite, cupcakes, and your brother Ben's pint sized golf club set. He could not have been happier.I did watch you drop your cupcake (frosting side down) twice. But that's ok, its your birthday, and there were plenty more for you to have.

So, in conclusion, may the rest of your toddler years be bright and cupcake filled. May you aim to be as carefree as you are now....and don't let anybody tell you that running around your lawn in a lavender skirted swimsuit with a frosting-covered face is unladylike. As sure as the day is long, they will tell you that once you hit the age of 25. I know it has happened to me on more than one occasion.

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