Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's been awhile.

So, It's been awhile since I have put anything on here. School and work have kept me rather busy to say the least. I suppose it's time for a little update.

I got a new sister for my birthday. Joel and Danelle got married on December 30th. Yay for having a new sister who is also my best friend and soul-sister.

Mom and Dad officially moved to KC in September. It took a couple months for me to be able to drive past their house and not start crying. I miss having my MOM and DAD around!

Still working 2 jobs and going to school full-time. I somehow managed to pull straight A's last semester, putting me on the Dean's List. I also just found out that I received a Scholarship from the Communication Department at UNO. Awesome. I will no longer complain about being an average white girl who can't get any scholarships. Thanks UNO.

Within the last few months I have joined: The National Broadcasting Society, The Omaha Press Club and the Omaha News Crew (I run camera #2, and have the best two-shot ever seen).

Went to the Justin Timberlake Concert this week. AMAZING. He rocked my face off.

And, I am going to Mexico on Tuesday for Spring Break, and to celebrate my mom's 50th birthday. YAY!

That's all for now, more to come later......

Good-bye dear Robin....

Thank you for all your years of knowledge. Nobody can get me as pumped up to sell lipstick and moisturizer. Nobody. I want to thank you for all the pep-talks, words of encouragement, tips and tricks, and advice. Thank you for teaching me my mad selling skills. If it wasn't for you, I would never have achieved "top performer". I would not have the confidence in my selling skills that I have now, or the confidence in my management skills.

Thank you for all the free stuff over the past 3 1/2 years. All the freebies at was just like Christmas for a product junkie such as myself. You made me squeel with excitement.

Most of all, thanks for being real, thanks for being fun, and thanks for being a friend. We will miss you tons. Good luck with whatever you do.