We were too tired to stay in the basement, we didn't have a radio, and there was no flashlight to be found anywhere in the house. Needless to say, we were a little under prepared for the EF-2 tornado that ripped through Millard at approximately 2:30 this morning. We were definitely not prepped for a natural disaster, but apparently, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. By the time the sirens rang out in the wee hours of the morning, the tornado had already torn the roofs off of numerous houses, and caused plenty of damage. Luckily we missed being in the path of the beast by a grand total of about 3/4 of a mile. Thank you Jebus. Here's a few pics I took driving around this morning.
The last two are my coworkers doing their job, and doing it well! KETV Newswatch 7 was the only Omaha Station to provide breaking coverage of the storm as it happened. No other Channel in town broke in during their normal overnight broadcasting. I wish I could have watched some of this coverage, but our power was out for most of the night.
You better believe I will be a little more prepared next time the storm clouds roll in!
potato leek soup
2 days ago
new patio furniture still intact? Better be! We got some botchi ballin to do with Hot Boy this summer.
cant say i didnt warn you to be prepared. next time i will be here though. promise.
heck yes it is still intact!! haha. what's funny is that it our chairs didn't even blow over....
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