Monday, July 21, 2008

Hunka Hunka Burnin Love!

That's right ladies and gentlemen. Danelle and I were guest judges this weekend at Horseshoe Casino's Elvisfest 2008. We judged the 12th Annual Images of the King contest and it was AWESOME! Danelle took the videos and pics, as I was apparently way too lazy to get my camera out.

The performers were actually VERY talented. We were surprised to be honest, I mean, c'mon folks, this is Council Bluffs we are talking about. I sometimes feel like I lose an I.Q. point or two every time I step over the river.

There was quite an assortment of Elvi (I'm using this as a term for multiple Elvis'). Young Elvis, 1970's Elvis, Hula Elvis, Black Elvis and Asian Elvis. They were some swell dudes, and I might just head back to Elvisfest next year.

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