I mourn for this nation's youth. I am in complete and udder shock sometimes at the absolute bullshit that spews from their mouths when they think they are trying to have an adult conversation. Not only is their speech atrocious and their line of thinking completely self centered; they have no idea about the world which surrounds them. They are completely unable to carry on an intelligent conversation, or, ANY conversation for that matter, without using the following:
you know?
i mean...
oh my god
For instance...here's a short excerpt from a "conversation" (if you can call it that) I had today with a particularly child-like acquaintance of mine from school.
Her: "I like Europe. It's not like, shitty. Like it is over here, you know?"
Me: "I have to go to the bathroom."
I did, in fact, have to make use of the loo. Even if I had not needed to, however, I still would have gotten up and physically left this conversation. I could cut her down to shreds and ramble on about her lack of intelligence, but I will not. I think that most of you get my gist.
I will add one more thing. She smells bad too. Sorry, that was a little petty of me. But for reals yo, homegirl needs to wash her shit cuz it be stankin.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
I'm with you on 'like' and OMG. But you know and I mean, I use a lot. And it's not necessarily that I have no intellect, it's more of a qualifying statement, and something to buy a second or two for my next thought -- it sounds better than going, um... er... yeah -- you know?
Though, I do get ripped to shreds by some for my over abundant used of those phrases. For some of us, it's just a habit. It's not easy to kick, and some of us are not as eliquent in person as we can be from behind a keyboard.
no excuses dude. not going to accept them.
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