Monday, November 24, 2008

.It's not enough.

.2 days is not enough.
not enough time to try to make you smile again.
not enough time to go on a year's worth of lunches.
not enough time to talk about that new man your life.
not enough time to laugh.
it's not enough time to catch up on what I've missed.
it's not enough time to talk about food.
it's not enough time to talk about that crazy customer.
and it's not enough time to even tell you that I like your new wig.
it's not enough time to talk about fashion.
it's not enough time bitch about the boss.
it's not enough time to talk about the husband.
it's not enough time to tell you i'm at a loss.
it's not enough time to giggle about how that last set rhymes, because we both know I'm not a fucking poet.
it's not enough time to get to the casino after you tell me that your hand itches, because you told me that if your hand ever starts itchin, somebody you know is gonna win some money at the boats.
it's not enough time to drool over that Tiffany's catalogue one last time
it's not even enough time to see your mischievious grin again. because you'll be gone before I get the chance.
.2 days could never be enough time.
Love you Nat.
It was a fun ride.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas Came Early This Year...

Guess who is hitting the road again on tour in 2009?

Baby, I just can't wait.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

New Camera

I need one. My CoolPix circa 2002 is dying a slow and painful death. I get a ton of "lens error" messages, the batteries don't last that long, and really, if you use the flash, it takes 2 seconds to actually take the picture. and 2 seconds in the world of photography is an extremely long time. Of course, Danelle just purchased herself a loverly new Nikon D90 (lucky!). Which leaves me wondering:

Do I purchase her D70 (which she has offered to me for the bargain basement price of $450), or do I just buy myself a new point and shoot (more than likely canon) for a couple hundred.

I am torn, and apparently unable to make a decision of this magnitude. What's a camera-less girl to do?